a guy and a bee

a collection of random thoughts and ideas from me, her, and sometimes us

Monthly Archives: October 2015

BBA: update on the past 7 days

Surgery went really well and was by all accounts a success. Since being home, BBA has been eating better, interacting more, and trying to understand what being more comfy is all about. Follow-up appointment this morning proved that he is healing well and can get a bath again (woohoo!). 

Now we can settle in to normal life for a bit. Next anticipated hurdle will come in December with our next endocrine follow-up. 

BBA: we’re off on our way. 

BBA: the new news

Prior to the ER visit two weeks ago, GI recommended that we consult with surgery to get some additional information regarding BBA’s hernia.  Typically they are addressed between 1-5 years old because there is a possibility they can correct themselves.

We met with surgery last Wednesday and it was immediately determined that we would be doing surgery now – October 13 to be exact (three months and 11 days old).  His hernia is so large and the muscle gap so small that there is concern his intestine can get caught and permanent, emergent damage could be done.  Because of his past clotting issue and need to monitor his blood sugar, he will stay overnight.

We will post an update after surgery.